Kumasasa extract ingredient list

The highly concentrated "Kumasasa extract" contains rich nutrients in a well-balanced manner.
Words that are often used when thinking about health these days: pre-disease prevention, medicine (medicine) and food are the same source, self-medication, preventive medicine...
At the root of these concepts is nothing but the idea that health management is primarily self-help.
Our company focused on the unique vitality of "Kumasasa", and under the technical guidance and supervision of the Hokkaido Research Organization Forest Products Experiment Station,
By utilizing all the components of bamboo extracted using a special method, we are actively developing products based on unique ideas.
Nutritional ingredients (per 100g) ◆Product name: Kitanosasa no Kuma bamboo extract◆
※Analysis value
*1. Calculation formula according to food labeling standards (Cabinet Office Ordinance No. 10 of 2015):
Energy conversion factor: Protein, 4: Fat, 9: Carbohydrate, 4
*2. Nitrogen/protein conversion factor: 6.25
*3. Calculation formula according to food labeling standards (Cabinet Office Ordinance No. 10 of 2015): 100 (moisture + protein + fat + ash)
If you are allergic to grasses (rice, corn, barley, etc.), please refrain from using this product.
Analysis commissioned to Asahikawa Medical University Antioxidant Function Analysis Center (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology support program)
*ORAC value (ORAC: abbreviation for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) was determined by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, etc.
It is an indicator of the developed ability to remove active oxygen, and the higher the ORAC value, the stronger the antioxidant power.
H-ORAC is a measurement value for water-soluble polyphenols.

"Kumasasa extract" ingredient list (in 100g of this product)

Ingredient list of Kumazasa extract for pets “Sasano Megumi”(In 100g of this product)